2024 German Government DAAD Scholarships | How to Apply

The German Government DAAD Scholarships provide an opportunity for foreign graduates from developing and newly industrialized countries, across all disciplines and with a minimum of two years of professional experience. This opportunity allows recipients to pursue a postgraduate or Master’s degree at a state or state-recognized German university. In exceptional cases, it also enables them to pursue a doctoral degree, facilitating the attainment of a university qualification (Master’s/PhD) in Germany.

German Government DAAD Scholarships Overview:

  • Host Country: Germany
  • Study Destination: Europe
  • Scholarship Types: Postgraduate | Masters | PhD
  • Open to: All Countries
  • Funding: Full Scholarship, Accommodation, 1,200 Euros Monthly Stipend, Airfare Allowance
  • Deadline: Varies By Courses
  • Alerts: For Scholarship updates on WhatsApp, click HERE.

Summary of German Government DAAD Scholarships:

Through its postgraduate study programs focused on development, the DAAD fosters the education of specialists from developing and newly industrialized nations. Locally trained experts, well-connected with international collaborators, significantly contribute to the sustainable development of their countries. They serve as a crucial assurance for a brighter future marked by reduced poverty, increased education, and improved health for all.

The DAAD Scholarship offers opportunities for the following fields of study:

  • Regional and Urban Planning
  • Agricultural and Forest Sciences
  • Natural and Environmental Sciences
  • Medicine and Public Health
  • Social Sciences, Education, and Law
  • Media Studies
  • Economic Sciences/Business Administration/Political Economics
  • Development Cooperation
  • Engineering and Related Sciences
  • Mathematics

Eligibility Criteria for 2024 German Government DAAD Scholarships:

To qualify for the German Government DAAD Scholarship in 2024, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Employed by a public authority, state, or private company in a developing country, involved in planning and executing directives and projects with a focus on development policies related to technological, economic, or social areas.
  • Possess a Bachelor’s degree (typically four years) in a relevant subject.
  • Hold an academic degree with results significantly above average (upper third) and have a minimum of two years of relevant professional experience post the first degree (bachelor) at the time of application.
  • Academic degrees should generally not be more than six years old.
  • Applicants residing in Germany for more than 15 months at the application deadline cannot be considered.

Benefits of German Government DAAD Scholarships:

The German Government DAAD Scholarships offer the following benefits:

  • Monthly payments of 934 euros for graduate students and 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates, depending on the academic level.
  • Contributions towards health, accident, and personal liability insurance coverage.
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are already covered by the home country or another funding source.




Required Documents for 2024 German Government DAAD Scholarships:

To complete the application, candidates must be prepared to submit the following documents:

  • Completed and signed checklist.
  • DAAD application “Application for a research/study scholarship” (ensure answers are typed or easily readable).
  • Curriculum vitae in reverse chronological order, without unexplained gaps. Please use the Europass template, providing precise information about your studies and practical experience.
  • One Letter of Motivation, explicitly referencing academic, professional, and personal reasons for applying to the program.
  • Certificate(s) of Employment from the employer(s) showcasing a minimum of two years of relevant work experience post-Bachelor’s degree up to the application time. If possible, include a guarantee of re-employment from the current employer upon returning home. The certificate from the current employer should ideally guarantee re-employment after returning to the home country.

Recent proof of Language Skills:

  • English – IELTS or TOEFL (Note: The institutional TOEFL is not accepted)
  • German – required for courses taught in German
  • Copies of higher education degree certificates.
  • Copy of the full set of transcripts of records.
  • Applicants from the People’s Republic of China are requested to submit an APS Certificate with their application documents.
